Creative Digital Methods For Effectively Marketing A Cannabis Company


One of the most interesting and exciting elements to the, now emerging, legalized cannabis trade is how cannabis’ image, its past connotations and all of the potential uses that it has open to it, affects its sales and sales potential. Given that we’re talking about image, we’re really talking about marketing, and how you could creatively market something which was previously not only illegal most places, but actively frowned upon and associated with all sorts of negative concepts and behaviors. It’s a great challenge for any marketing team, so let’s go ahead and look at how to generate effective digital marketing schemes for this product.

  1. The Internet

Digital marketing normally involves it, but I can’t stress enough how important the internet is going to be in terms of the marketing and successful sales campaign for a cannabis company. The reality is that, for the expanding part of the market, meaning the people who are drawn to it now that they can attain it legally, there is still a stigma. The stigma exists with cannabis, regardless of the legislation. Its recreational uses are still tinged with its previous illegality. So, the internet becomes the most appealing way to purchase it. Just in the same way that the sex toy industry thrives online, cannabis purchases thrive most in the discreet anonymity of the online shopping cart.

  1. Using Influencers

Influencers do what it says on the tin: they influence. For people who are curious but not confident enough to push themselves into making a purchase, seeing their favorite YouTuber or Instagram Fitness Coach recommend a product containing cannabis can have an enormously relieving and comforting effect on them. The important thing is picking the right sort of influencer, ideally someone whose image doesn’t align at all with previous stereotypes about cannabis usage. The more relatable they are, the better.

  1. Free Samples

One potentially very useful tool that a cannabis company might have is the idea of free samples. “If the payoff is a new email for the mailing list, increased interest and likelihood of future purchase and maybe even some free marketing amongst the friends of the person in question, then sending a small sample for free to people can be very much worth the small cost it is to your company”, says Rachel Macpherson, digital marketer at EliteAssignmentHelp and StateOfWriting. For some people, taking the leap of actually spending money is a difficult hurdle, so seeing if they like a cannabis product can be the thing to nudge them into purchasing. Of course, check each state and make sure that giving samples is legal. 

  1. Content Marketing

Hearing what people have to say, your company included naturally, about cannabis products can be a great way to persuade people to purchase and to boost your sales. The difficulty is then the content creation itself, which can be tough for anyone. Here are some tools to help with your written content:

Studydemic and AcademAdvisor – Content writing guides, for general tips on creation.

Academized and PaperFellows – Some online editing tools, to make sure you get it right every time.

MyWritingWay and SimpleGrad – Two grammar checkers, for ensuring this tricky element is in order.

AustralianHelp – An online proofreading tool, to help you catch those little mistakes, mentioned here.

WritingPopulist and ViaWriting – Useful for generating titles, subtitles, and keywords.

BigAssignments and OxEssays – A pair of content formatting tools, an increasingly important area to get right in the digital realm.

  1. Packaged Deals

Paraphernalia, previously a dirty word used by police officers to refer to the trappings that go along with cannabis consumption is now one of the most difficult elements of marketing cannabis products. A lot of cannabis products require you to use a variety of other items to complete the consumption of it. In this instance, it’s also an opportunity for an online company to offer deals where all of the related objects come with the major product, something which is most achievable in an online store.

  1. Mobile Interface

Creating an app is a normal step for a lot of different online stores, but for cannabis companies, it’s a particularly good move. It serves not only as a convenient way for users to shop, given the enormous numbers of mobile users, but also as a hub with all the information that users, people who might be unfamiliar and intrepid at the thought of cannabis consumption, can use to reassure themselves and to find out information and connect with the rest of the userbase for advice and help.


As an emerging market which is guaranteed to increase the more that legalization spreads, cannabis marketing is going to become an extremely important and valuable tool. It presents a unique opportunity for some really innovative digital marketing, as well as a unique set of historical challenges to conquer.

Nora Mork is a marketing and business journalist at Boom Essays and PhD writing service. She helps businesses create effective marketing strategies, and writes blogs at Essay Roo.



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