Design Is In The Details: This Fusion Machine Gets High Marks For Style


Most cannabis extractions take place in commercial labs with expensive equipment, but there are some appliances that consumer can use at home to create their own infusions. The LEVO is the latest home infusion product that retails for $199 and can infuse any oil or butter with any dry herb material and that includes cannabis.

The company is based in Boulder CO and was founded by Christina Bellman, the Chief Executive Officer of the firm. She has self-funded the development of the product since 2011, while she was working in finance in New York City. She moved the company to Colorado in 2015 and launched a pre-order campaign in late 2016 with the current version that comes in three colors. It is easily the nicest looking of any home infusion product on the market. Plus, a portion of the proceeds go to the Mile High Weimaraner Rescue.

Some of her ideas for cannabis include infusing coconut oil with cannabis to make a body product, using LEVO to make a cannabis and olive oil marinade or even infusing your own butter for home-made edibles. Her latest recipe is for a bath scrub using lavender and coconut oil, while also adding hemp seed oil. Bellman points out that hemp oil can be used to reduce inflammation of the skin.

The LEVO machine doesn’t aerate the oil and butter ingredients and increases the shelf life of the final product. The company also says that the cannabutter produced by LEVO is substantially less green and looks a lot like regular butter.

Its slick design means consumers can leave the product on the counter even if parents come to visit. The machine parts can be placed in a dishwasher for cleaning.

Other similar products on the market include the Magical Butter Machine, Might Fast Herbal Infuser and The Mota Pot. Magical Butter retails for $174 and isn’t nearly as attractive. The Mighty Fast Herbal Infuser costs $159 and works quickly. The Mota Pot looks like a coffee pot and is the cheapest at $55.


  • Mo

    January 3, 2019 at 1:54 pm

    Nice article… Except that you don’t even include a picture of this fantastic looking machine. Smoke AFTER you write and publish your article. Not during.


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