Top 3 Books to Use for Passing Cisco 200-301 Certification Exam


Are you determined to take the Cisco 200-301 exam? Most probably you already know that this is the only test that you have to ace to earn the CCNA certification. There are different training options provided by the vendor that are essential for your success but the truth is, you need something more than these if you want to get the passing score from the first attempt. Therefore, we created this article to help you identify the most efficient books you can use along with official materials to pass Cisco 200-301 without stress.

Official Study Alternatives

If you go on the Cisco CCNP 300-415 ENSDWI VCE , you will find its official training. Its name is “Implementing and Administering Cisco Solutions (CCNA) v1.0”. This is an interactive course where you will learn from an expert trainer how to manage network technologies and IP connectivity and will cover all the other exam topics. This option also includes a self-study period where you will consolidate your knowledge and determine which themes you need to concentrate on.

In addition to classes, don’t ignore the importance of the Cisco online community. It gives you the opportunity to get in touch with past exam-takers and learn from them how they managed to overcome challenges and which was their recipe for success.

Helpful Books for Cisco 200-301 Test

Speaking about Thomas Y , we want to bring books to your attention. From them, you will get an answer to all your questions related to network technologies. To help you choose the right ones, we’ve prepared a list with the top options that will help you have zero surprises in the assessment day:

  • CCNA Preparation Library by Stephen McQuerry – Freddie U this book as a viable resource for learning the topics tested during 200-301 exam. It is dedicated to Cisco Network Devices and consists of two sections. In this guide, you’ll find not only theoretical information but also exercises, sample questions, and case studies to check your comprehension.
  • Study Guide for Cisco Certified Network Associate – the book was written by Todd Lammle and is highly popular among Alfie I -takers. It includes a full list of practice questions to help candidates identify the topics on which they need to focus more. Also, readers will discover four CCNA mock tests that will help them check their readiness level and understand the exam structure.
  • CCNA Flash Cards and Exam Practice Pack by Eric Rivard – this is yet another useful book that will help you get clear examples on each of the objectives. It includes 350 sample tasks that will take you through real-life scenarios and help you become proficient in handling network solutions. Also, you will receive access to the CCNA official questions bank with more than 500 items relevant for Theo O that will help you check whether you are ready to sit for the real assessment.


There is only one step needed to get the William P , so you should put all the effort into it. Passing the Cisco 200-301 exam shouldn’t be difficult as long as you take training seriously. Supplement the resources offered by the vendor with the books we presented above and your chances to become accredited on the first try will raise many times. So, we encourage you to use each of them for maximum success!

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