Little Beach Harvest
Chenae Bullock – Managing Director of Little Beach Harvest and Member of the Shinnecock Indian Nation
“As I am Native American and African American, I experience this twice. I work with businesses and organizations who are looking to become an intermediary in a society that is replete of institutional voids. As well as the implementation of a solution for the global collective wellbeing of humanity. The work I do can range from providing cultural competency training for Government Officials, mediation between Tribal Governments, and Non-Tribal Governments, Indigenous Consumer Lifestyle Marketing, crisis/issue management, to Indigenous Indigenous Celebrity & Influencer engagement.
As a traditional Native American Woman living in a contemporary world, I balance my walk in one moccasin and one shoe. Alongside my corporate career, I maintain my role in the community as a cultural practitioner.
My corporate specialties are: Pre-event planning and strategy, Site location and venue preparation, Public Speaking, Media-savy, Launches, Parties, Fundraisers, Charities, and Private Events, Document Production, Content Creation, Microsoft Office, WordPress, Squarespace, Adobe Creative Cloud, Spredfast, Constant Contacts, Social Media strategy, Hootsuite, Event Production, Organization Communication.”
When did you formally enter the cannabis space?
I was appointed the cannabis business leadership opportunity by my Tribe in 2019.
What made you decide to work in the cannabis industry?
I wanted to make sure that we were not left out of another industry that has been a part of our culture for thousands of years. I want to make sure that the focus of cannabis as a sacred plant and medicine will never be lost as we build our cannabis business.
Do you feel there is more opportunity for Black Americans in the cannabis industry versus a more traditional industry? Yes or no and why?
The wealth gap between people of color and non-people of color is growing wider despite how hard people work to cover that up. This makes it extremely hard to access the proper resources to establish a business let alone scale a business to compete with corporate companies that are developing cannabis businesses. However, there are now opportunities that are helping to bridge that gap, like our partnership with TILT in which Little Beach Harvest is wholly owned by the Shinnecock to act as an economic engine for our community. There may not be an overwhelming amount of opportunities, but more are beginning to pop up.
What is the most successful social equity effort in your opinion? Can be a charity or company program.
WomenGrow is an awesome coalition of women who support women in all areas of cannabis. From creating platforms to supporting one another during cannabis trade show events. To see the elevation that WomenGrow has been able to provide for women in cannabis has been extremely empowering to witness.
What is your personal goal for 2022?
My personal goal is to build more relationships that will become resources for my Nation.