Can CBD Help You Quit Smoking Cigarettes?


Editors Note: This is a guest post.

Many non-contagious ailments cause millions of deaths worldwide. Unfortunately, tobacco addiction stands among the top triggers of such diseases. Each year, over seven million people die of tobacco-related complications. In the US alone, more than 40 million adults have a nicotine addiction. Worse yet, tobacco addiction therapies don’t seem to be efficient, for the most part.

Smoking cessation drugs don’t bring assured results in the long run. But there is a promising solution to this problem. CBD (cannabidiol) is an active ingredient derived from the hemp plant and widely used for medical purposes today. So can it cope with tobacco addiction? How to quit smoking cigarettes with the help of CBD oil? Read further to find all this out.

Is CBD Addictive?

As most of us know, smoking marijuana leads to addiction. Is CBD addictive then? In reality, it’s not. Cannabidiol belongs to non-toxic cannabis ingredients and doesn’t alter your brain function. Therefore, you can’t develop a CBD addiction. Additionally, cannabidiol can alleviate the psychoactive effects of THC (tetrahydrocannabinol), which is the main active ingredient of recreational marijuana.

How CBD Helps You Quit Smoking

1. CBD Battles Tobacco Withdrawal Symptoms

Nicotine is as addictive as hard drugs like cocaine. That’s why it’s so hard to quit smoking. Once you try to cease this deadly habit, you will face an almost impenetrable barrier of withdrawal symptoms. It’s not just the urge for another cigarette. Tobacco withdrawal develops within several days and involves headaches, increased appetite and irritability, anxiety, insomnia, high blood pressure, and depression. 

The worst part is that you may feel this nightmare for weeks. If it was easy to withstand this period, smoking would not become a global concern.

So how can CBD help you overcome nicotine addiction? The matter is that CBD regulates the sleep/wake cycle, pain, mood, and satiety. It combats headaches, promotes restful sleep, and regulates blood pressure. Given that, CBD can relieve some physical symptoms of nicotine withdrawal, helping you get through this period without much struggle.

2. CBD Cigarettes Can Ease Tobacco Cravings

You pull out a cigarette from the pack, light it, and take a peaceful, long, and warm puff. You have been doing this for years, day after day. Stopping this is unimaginable: this ritual is engraved in your mind. It’s a part of your identity. But you could try a CBD cigarette instead of a regular one if you feel a desperate urge to smoke. It can become your first step toward overcoming tobacco addiction. By smoking the best CBD cigarettes, you no longer receive nicotine, which is much healthier. Additionally, CBD prevents most nicotine withdrawal symptoms from devastating your body and mind.

Therefore, you can preserve the smoking habit while replacing regular cigarettes with a much healthier alternative. It’s much easier to quit smoking this way than just bring a sudden drastic change to your routine.

3. CBD Helps You Relax

Cannabidiol has evident, well-studied anxiolytic properties. Both animal and human studies show that CBD reduces anxiety equally to diazepam, a common sedative drug. For instance, CBD brings relief to people with public speaking anxiety. Also, cannabidiol shows immense efficiency against post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).

All in all, it’s a powerful stress-relieving supplement that will help you cope with panic attacks and depression resulting from smoking cessation.

4. CBD Reduces Cigarette Consumption

Researchers revealed a direct dependence between CBD intake and cigarette consumption. Thus, a 2013 study showed that tobacco-dependent individuals reduced cigarette consumption by an impressive 40% while taking CBD. Furthermore, CBD minimizes the pleasure of smoking cigarettes. In other words, nicotine won’t give you that pleasure if you take CBD.

A recent study has shown that smokers who took CBD felt less motivated to smoke cigarettes.

Under this trial, 30 smokers took 800 mg of CBD after overnight cigarette abstinence. The participants reported that they felt less pleasure from watching other people smoking. In other words, it was easier for the participants to ignore cigarette stimuli.

As for cigarette cravings and withdrawal, there was no significant difference between CBD and placebo treatment whatsoever.

However, researchers investigated short smoking abstinence periods (11 hours). It’s an insufficient time for the most physical nicotine withdrawal symptoms to occur. It might be a possible reason for such observations on CBD efficiency against tobacco withdrawal within this study.

How to Take CBD for Tobacco Addiction

So, as we’ve found out, CBD helps you quit smoking. But how to take cannabidiol to overcome nicotine addiction? Here’s a step-by-step guide: 

Choose High-Quality Products

There is one rule you should always follow: buy CBD cigarettes, tinctures, vape oils, and other products from reliable and reputable brands. For this, you have to check:

  • The THC content in each product. It must be less than 0.3%.
  • The hemp source. Prioritize brands with in-house hemp fields in the US or Western Europe.
  • Certifications and drug tests. It’s always better to choose certified products that meet the US hemp cultivation standards and undergo regular third-party lab tests.

Adjust CBD Doses Gradually

‘How much CBD should I take to combat my tobacco addiction?’, you may ask. The accurate dosage depends on your metabolism, weight, and the intensity of cigarette withdrawal complications like headaches, poor sleep, high blood pressure, etc.

Thus, you should consult your practitioner to decide on the initial dose and increase it slowly for better results. You can start with 12-15 mg of CBD per day to see how your body reacts to cannabidiol. If such a dose works fine for you, you can begin taking more CBD to reduce salience of cigarette stimuli.

The Bottom Line

CBD can become a viable solution for cigarette quitters. First, cannabidiol fights several tobacco withdrawal symptoms like anxiety, insomnia, headaches, and high blood pressure. Second, it helps you ignore cigarette cues. Third, CBD cigarettes can become a temporary healthy alternative to regular cigarettes on your way to smoking cessation.

Finally, CBD reduces stress, helping you cope with the emotional pressure. Given that, CBD is your option to break the suffocating chains of addiction and breathe freely in all senses of this word.


  • Kehoe

    March 1, 2021 at 9:14 pm

    this is so badly and credulously written like an high school essay. come on its embarrassing. do yo have adult editors?


    • Debra Borchardt

      March 2, 2021 at 8:27 am

      Hi Kehoe, We note that this is a guest post. With the loss of in-person events, our revenue has been cut tremendously. Unfortunately, we need to post these stories to bring in revenue and can’t edit them. I’m curious, if we made our site a subscription one, would you pay to get the news?


    • Margo Swikehardt

      May 18, 2021 at 1:11 pm

      Like an high school essay? You mean A high school essay? Lol do you have an adult to spell check your posts?


      • Debra Borchardt

        May 19, 2021 at 8:20 am

        Hi Margo, As we noted this is a guest post. We didn’t write this. People like yourself want their news for free and don’t want to pay a subscription fee. Thus, we have to post stories like this as sponsored content. It helps to support better written stories. Please understand that this is what it takes in order to deliver a free news site.


      • Angie

        July 24, 2021 at 4:08 pm

        In many parts of the world, “an high” would be used more often than “a high”. It’s also a usage that dates back through history. While it’s not used today in any word beginning with H where the H is actually pronounced, it was once very correct. Perhaps before you judge, you should find out where a person is from?


  • Jerone mccarty

    March 19, 2021 at 7:23 am

    I rdered CBC for smoking and received regular CBC geeks, also noticed I was being billed for 6 bottles, cancel all,this is not what I wanted,


  • irene shepherd

    May 15, 2021 at 10:54 am

    Is CBD gummies safe and will they cause addiction?


  • Most Grateful

    July 16, 2021 at 8:39 pm

    THANK YOU for the information
    I am trying to stop smoking cigarettes and willing to try CBD as an alternative method.
    The information was very informative and helpful.
    I work for a medical dispensary and suggest CBD for a lot of medical issues to our patient’s that have physical and mental problems. ACTUALLY CBD works so this just enforces my confidence on CBD and smoking..
    I will try the CBD and let you know my success.
    Thank you again


    • James

      September 6, 2021 at 2:18 pm

      Did it work out for you?


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