The newly established adult-use cannabis market in Connecticut appears to have found its footing. Recreational sales inched past medical sales numbers last month for the first time since the market launched in January, according to state data.
Connecticut cannabis shops sold $11.5 million in recreational sales and $11.2 million in medical sales, for a grand total of just under $23 million.
Recreational sales continued their steady upward climb on a monthly basis, while MMJ sales have been dropping since March, despite medical products remaining slightly cheaper.
In May, there were 312,758 medical product units sold, 7% more than the 292,054 recreational units sold, but the price disparity was noticeable: $35.86 for the average medical cannabis product compared to $39.47 for the average rec product, a gap of almost $4.
There’s also still a daily purchase limit for recreational customers of 1/4 ounce of flower (or the equivalent in edibles or concentrates), compared to only a five-ounce monthly limit for registered medical patients, who also have no immediate transaction limit, according to the state Department of Consumer Protection.