Executive Spotlight: Emma Chasen


Full name: Emma Chasen

Title: Co-founder

Company: Eminent Consulting

Years at current company: 2018-present (2 years)

Education profile: Brown University, B.A. Biology, Ethnobotany and Medicinal Plant Research, and Pre-medical Sciences

Most successful professional accomplishment before cannabis: 

Creating a specialized course of study within the Biology department at Brown was a big accomplishment for me. To be able to design my curriculum to study Ethnobotany and Medicinal Plant Research allowed me to excel and has aided me exponentially in my career in cannabis.

Company Mission: 

We know the eccentricities of the cannabis industry and therefore we approach shaping its culture accordingly. Our mission is to guide and influence emerging cannabis entrepreneurs to successfully implement a craft ethos and cutting-edge business model through scientific-based educational initiatives and authentic collaborative relationships.

Company’s most successful achievement:

Launching our online educational training program on the fundamental elements of cannabis and its purported effects is a major accomplishment for us. We so believe in the power of education and how incredibly necessary it is to help this industry evolve in an ethical and intelligent paradigm.

Guiding and assisting our Oklahoma clients, Resonant Cultivation, in the successful launch of their cultivation facility and growth of their business has been so rewarding. We are so proud to see them succeed in the Oklahoma market.

Has the company raised any capital (yes or no): No

Any plans on raising capital in the future? No, we hope to stay entirely self-funded

Most important company 5-year goal:

To effectively launch and market our online training program so that states with cannabis public access programs adopt and recommend the standardized training for all industry personnel. And, to continue to help our clients develop their businesses and achieve great success in new and emerging markets.

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